View the 2024 Eclipse without the crowds at Buena Vista Cottage. With a clear view of the sky and a huge yard to relax in make your reservation now.
Call 870 223 1699

No service fees at the Cottage
Your Private Ouachita Hideaway
View the 2024 Eclipse without the crowds at Buena Vista Cottage. With a clear view of the sky and a huge yard to relax in make your reservation now.
Call 870 223 1699
No service fees at the Cottage
One day while out fishing, Gigi got a big bite on her line. She started reeling her line in. She had caught a big bass. Here is what the fish looked like:
One night here at the Pea Patch ranch i had allot to eat and drink then we all hung out for a little while. Then Donnie and i went home and here is what i looked like.
At the Pea Patch Ranch theirs lots of fun things to do. You can ride four-wheelers all throughout the trails and in the fields, you also get to meet up with old friends you haven’t seen in a while and people you haven’t even met yet and they become your friends. I love the Pea Patch Ranch because i get to see Donna, Topher, GiGi, and everyone else that lives on the farm. I LOVE the river its a peaceful and lovely place to swim are just relax and tan. The cows are always fun to watch as they play around in the fields and play with their babies, and you also get to see when new babies are born. The Pea Patch Ranch is just a wonderful place to be, i absolutely love it!
One day we were out in the fields and Tuzey started playing with the moo cows. She even made one of the moo cows her really good friends. Now we always go down to the fields and Tuzey always goes and plays with them.
We are all fine….varmints included. G found a cow on the levee after the water went down and we think it belongs to the FFA at Caddo Hills school….The water was over our bridge and, of course, over all the fields and the road from the river to our driveway (almost half a mile). The creeks were for the most part fordable. I was in the “mule” and made it through them as long as I had a running start.
We have about a mile and a half of fence down. I told Topher to practice his best Tom Sawyer act and try to persuade all our friends that it would be so much fun to come up here. Instead of lollygaggin’ around, they could build fence!!!!!
The worst part of this was the loss of life and is has been horrendous……but not as bad as first thought. Too many kids lost……heartbreaking.
There has been one really GOOD result from all the horrible stuff…..
Thanks so much for making a catastrophe a lot more bearable…
And, as always, you all know that the 4th of July is coming, and we’ll be here to greet you with open arms. We still have floor space for blow-up beds. I f you want a motel, you’d better let me know!!!!
Buena Vista Cottage
(870) 356-4213
Pea Patch Ranch Cabin
(870) 356-9621
(870) 356-9091
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